DAG KNUDSEN’S training gives you a
notably effective approach to BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT which...
✅ Positions you for a win before the RFP/RFQ is issued
✅ Helps you learn your client’s real needs
✅ Establishes you to effectively communicate your value
✅ Helps you win at the right (not necessarily low) price
✅ Helps you control and manage your BD efforts
✅ Improves your staff’s BD effectiveness
You can win by Design and not by Chance when you
apply Dag Knudsen’s Business Development Principles,
as reflected by the equation:
Proactive Positioning
Selective Pursuits
Persuasive Communication
The DVD-based lectures provide the structure and content to help you implement the proven, practical principles that can dramatically improve the success of your company.
When you proactively pursue selective opportunities and persuasively communicate your value-added, your win rates go up and corporate growth happens.
In PROACTIVE POSITIONING you will learn how to become strongly positioned as the preferred firm by...
✅ Running business development as a project with plans, goals, schedules, deliverables, record-keeping and feedback
✅ analyzing your clients in order to understand whether you are positioned for a win
✅ developing focused sales action plans for specific opportunities
✅ understanding how people make decisions and how to use this knowledge in your communication
In SELECTIVE PURSUITS you will learn
✅ how to replace the common, non-productive Go, No-Go decision criteria with a simple, but profound* decision approach.
✅ communication barriers that must be overcome
✅ why cue-note type bullet-charts work against you
✅ how to create an audience-centered message
✅ how to design and deliver winning interview presentations and proposals
✅ how to communicate the value of your fee
✅ how you can apply this knowledge to any technical communication
* “profound” as stated by Dag’s clients
❝ If we don’t understand what is important to the client, our extensive preparation is for naught.❞
—Seminar participant after learning what to communicate, and how.
Download the Facilitator Guide and the sales brochure and you will find a comprehensive description of the videos available on these DVDs. I have but 2 copies left for sale.
If the links don’t work, then please send me an email and I will forward the documents to you. I have been having problems with these links.
A brief writeup Describing Fundamental Presentation Principles,
I have had problems linking the above files. So, if they do not work, please send me an email and I will send them to you.
Here is a link to the Challenger Video. This is a study of the communication problems that led to the catastrophic Challenger Shuttle launch. The prelaunch communication is discussed in about 30 minute followed by how the Theme-Modular presentation methodology could have been used to try to prevent the launch. The latter is about 35 minutes and represents a brief introduction to the Theme-Modular presentation method.