Dag Knudsen and his Videos

You’re Short-Listed!

You’re Qualified!

and So Is Your Competition!


How Do You Set Yourself Apart and Win?

Dag Knudsen* used to provide business development training for Consulting Engineers, Scientists, Architects, Construction Professionals, other Technical Professionals and their Marketers.

Training videos of all his materials are available for purchase. Contact Dag by e-mail to learn about availability and cost:

Go to ‘Contact us’ page to Send Dag an E-Mail

When was the last time you…

…received a standing ovation from the selection panel? 

…had your client cancel the interviews and select you on the strength of your proposal?

…had your client select you without even rating the competing firms because of the
    strength of your presentation?

…you consistently won 80% of the targets you pursued?

These are but samples of experiences reported by Dag’s clients.

Dag Knudsen

P.O. Box 180

Lake City, MN 55041-0180



Just replace the words ‘at’ with @ and you are on the way to reaching me :)

I am the website creator and maintainer. Contact me if something is not working—Thanks.


ON 9 DVDs and 1 CD

Brief Background and Qualifications

Dag Knudsen was a Licensed Professional Engineer (1977 - 2008), now retired as a PE.

He was also elected to the College of Fellows of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for his “achievement of distinction in the nation’s largest consulting engineering organization.”

An International Learning Consultant was asked by one

of Dag’s clients to review his seminar materials.

About Client Account Analysis he wrote:

Mr. Knudsen’s videos are some of the very best I have

seen. He is an excellent speaker

and a good illustrator.

About Winning Presentations he said:

As before, this is an excellent video. Mr. Knudsen’s

handling of the materials and his graphics are superb.

There is a great deal to be learned here.